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Are you looking to gain confidence while speaking in a wide range of situations? Do you have a good level of English but lack the confidence to use it at work? We can help you build your confidence and become an active participant in any conversation.

Being confident with your English can enhance your life in so many ways. It can improve your social life, career prospects and can help you to explore the world more freely.

In our classes, you will participate in activities that will improve your ability to speak naturally and confidently. With lessons based on real-life topics, you will talk, practise and improve your fluency and accuracy. Our highly qualified teachers will help you achieve your goals through live online classes and activity-based learning. The course curriculum consists of extensive speaking practice, strategies, and techniques for effective communication.

With our Spoken English course you will:
  • Talk, practise, and improve your fluency and accuracy
  • Improve your pronunciation, intonation, use of pauses and other strategies
  • Widen and strengthen your vocabulary
  • Interact and debate with other students, make presentations and build your confidence in a safe environment
  • Grammar Worksheets will help you to understand the core knowledge about the topics during multiple sessions.
  • Individual Speaking
  • Role Play
  • Short Stories with Subtitles
Course Learning Outcomes: Confidence: Develop your speaking skills and become more confident using English in a wide range of contexts. Speaking with confidence can help you get the most out of your work and social life. Fluency: Speak easily, naturally and without having to stop and pause a lot. The more English you speak, you will get better at expressing your ideas. Accuracy: Learn to effectively use grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation correctly.